Granny: The Afterlife

14 days ago

Work in Progress.

What's new in this devlog?

- I added some foliage around the lab after the cyro-sleep

- I added some other things in game no one would notice in a photo.

- Right now i'm working on the story's progression and fixing the ambient changes..



Next up

What do you think is happening here?

(Showing another leak just like the new one below many didn't notice.)

This game will have a very big map, compared to previous titles.

Along with many puzzles and enemies...Even an amazing Story and Plotline too!

Granny's entire family will be present, Each enemy serves as a different threat for different parts of the game.

The future is coming soon...


To record my progress:

- I have a vast majority of the game done + all puzzles completed

- I have all soundtrack and material required

- I am planning on achievements

- I am fixing a lot of bugs in a climax point of the game

- I am yet to make ai enemies.

Reworked more lights this morning, and now the lamps and windows glow in the dark

I am using meshes and textures from G5, instead of the custom ones i made & The lighthouse model won't work with lighting baking sadly, There's nothing i can do about it...

I'm delaying the fangame release to August. This is why:

- Fixing bugs and adding gameplay improvements that many have begged for

- Attempting to add practice mode, if not then ghost mode

- New part of the game has to be made

Be patient. will be worth it

New progress with the game development:

- UI Transparency is now possible

- "Notes" can be found throughout the game

- Some new events made

- and some other fixes such as event triggers, explosions, and other weird issues.

This doesn't mean i am finished.

"It's just a few tripmines! How bad could this be?"

When i said this game was going to take a little while to develop, I mean it.

It's going to be a blast!

Still, tons of errors and unfinished work remains. So please be patient, It will be worth it.