Two Nights at Golden Homer's

4 months ago

Working on a demo

Theese days i starded developing the game a bit more and i declare that the demo of the game will be out soon (some weeks) and it will not be the definitive game but only a provvisional version of the game.

For now the only thing i can do is complete the demo and relase it.


The demo will not contain all the characters and maibe something can be changed or removed.

tell me in the comments what you think ;-)



Next up

No way out

He WaS oNe Of Us

Wo's screaming?

He'S cOmInG fOr YoU

h e W i LL r I s E a G a I n


Warning: Before you get too exited remember it's just a demo, it contains lot of bugs and there's only blam.

Other characters and jumpscares will be added soon!

also the demo will be on Scratch