Five Nights at Fredbears:Bring Them Eternal Rest FREE ROAM

4 years ago

Working on a maze for the 2nd salavge night!



Next up

Here is the teaser for the space map. This shit is gonna be amazing

Five Nights at Fredbear's 3 Shadow Freddy Cutscene Shadow Freddy is defeated out of the ceratosaurus and he tells the reason for his aggression.

Hey guys I have new photos of the new night building. I am gonna go rework salavge night 2 and 3 so hang in there this make take some time to do so don't expect an update anytime soon.

I have had nothing better to do today so I have been working super hard on the next update for this game! be preprared for jumpscares! as they will be added in the next update along with a new night and new map details!

The official springbonnie model was datamined from help wanteds old build. So happy we finally after 9 years get an official springbonnie model

We are officially back in business! I am happy to announce! FNAFB BTER IS BACK IN DEVLOPMENT! Be prepared for a new demo once its ready!


Update -------------

Here is some of stuff I have been working on for my halo mod. Considering uploading the mods files to gamejolt, cause nexus is kind of shit with their policies of owning every mod

Halo 3 Desolate December Intro Cutscene This will make alot more sense once I actually implement this into the game with bink video and it cuts to the mission and your in a falcon.

Happy Birthday fnaf 3 Thank you so much for giving us springbonnie and fredbear! without you we wouldn't have our springy boi