1 month ago

Working on new art thing finally

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Next up

у меня ветрянка..


I have an chickenpox..

Ну типо аа страшно


Well, idk

всё, назову эту аватарку коллаб с моей шизой


i did an pfp and I'll call it collab with my schizophrenia

@blurryspirits is a Jolter to Watch! They create Pokémon fan art and more! Follow them before the quest ends on January 14 and you'll get Coins!

скажите пожалуйста что это не только у меня ютуб заработал 🤞🤞


Russ only

@KniteBlargh is a Jolter to Watch! They post great fan art, original characters, and more! Follow them before the quest ends on January 7 and you'll get Coins!

да это Reebok, я отвечаю


That's reebok fr, 100% true

Попытался сделать движения как в андертейле в скретче..


Tried to do undertale like movements in scratch..

@WiseDrums is a Jolter to Watch! He posts videos and livestreams where he plays the drums along to video game music! Follow him before the quest ends on January 21 and you'll get Coins!

Марк наконец то переоделся, или как Марк выглядит без худи и в шортах


Mark finally changed clothes, aka how Mark looks like without hoodie and in shorts