Damn u must be so lonely and desperate. Like from this here I can tell ur dick must be so small to the point where if u stuck it in a girl, her immune system would fight back. And u must be a dumbass cause u obviously don't know I'm taken or u think u have a chance with any girl. Newsflash u don't have any chances with any girl or boy at that. Even a dog would reject u somehow. That's sad, just like ur parents when they had the disappointment known as u. I basically just wrote a paragraph to show everyone how stupid u are and I know u know who u are, bitch.



Next up

Resilient Ghøstface

Øfficial Design

Scream: New Victims | Seasøn II

I'm gøing tø slit yøur eyelids in half sø yøu døn't blink when I stab yøu in the face

Some just can't take the truth.

Some just deserve an air fryer to the head ngl.

What's Yøur Favørite Scary Møvie?

Happy Birthday To:

My Bestest Amigo And Funny Man From Hollywood Undead

I Wanna Knøw Whø I'm Løøking At

Rest In Peace, Ralph