2 months ago

ya casi termino el diseño frontal :'V

I'm almost done with the front design :'V



Next up

Why he is-

Made in Piskel

TOO MANY NIGHTS VERSION 1.4 RELEASES 5/12/2024 BE THERE OR BE SQUARE (video recorded by @Spongi_124 )

New Game Page!

Guys, I finally got to the stage of development where I left off before I accidentally deleted the sb3 file.

I started adding ''textures'' to office objects :V

Empecé a añadir ''texturas'' a los objetos de la oficina :V

And Done!

Y hecho!

Gdevelop started advertising Stanley’s: Rebooted by @RilzLaFFY

MUCHOS intentos para hacer un sprite de Mampato🥲