Five Nights at Morilix07's
8 months ago

Yeah I'm not working on this anymore. It's not fun working on this now.



Next up

Posted a FNaM's track in da game page :)

Good job @gamejolt ! Taking down the posts about a groomer being on your site instead of the actual groomer! You deserve a promotion!


Fun fact: Before the modern version of FNaM's was made me and @therealsayle made a build of FNaM's but I didn't liked it so we decided 2 start from Scratch. Today were going to release that old build :) (Disclaimer: This isn't the finished version)

Me and some others right now confronted Real again about his actions during that time where he sent NSFW to a 12 year old and 3 others including not being remorseful nor taking accountability for his actions.

@web125546 We did not betray you. You betrayed us. I tried to talk you when it happened trying to get your side of the story but you kept on blocking me. That hurt man. That hurt. Especially when I knew what you did contradictory to what you said.

It's crazy to think that next year I'm going to turn 18. It feels like yesterday that I was 14. Time flies so fast that in a blink of an eye you can miss it. Remember that.

I might be on da scratch watchlist...

Forgored to post the track I promised that one time lol. Sorry for the track taking this long to post.

Old version of FNaM's released! Enjoy!