Tubbyland Mixtapes and Return to Tubbyrush Archives
3 months ago

Yo guys

So ttlm/rttr archive is kinda scrap or not but will be less active and it will be kinda @Random_Profile that will carry the rest and for the build it's obvious that Lucina will say no but i dont blame her but still

Thank you @LucinaSantiago

But for real Thank you @LucinaSantiago

You've make a BIG BANGER with ttlm and rttr (but more with ttlm) and even some of the music that you make for the mod are ones of my fav music (Aced Rain in my heart forever) and even with your new album POLY i cant wait for it to be drop and i already say it but your my fav compositeur (you and ZUN the creator and the compositeur of touhou) and i hope you live a good life and yeah idk anymor what to say


(Also you seems friendly, i hope to talk to you sometimes)



Next up

Guys if yall want you can join my server then click here https://discord.gg/yEpz9btcKt

I will come back after i finish my exams (that mean tuesday or wednesday)

ik ididnt post anything during july but eh so i will just try to find stuff for ttlm archive for finish it and i will continue to work in fnadr cya

also here a old gameplay of face off aka old take my face

all credit to @LucinaSantiago bc she own the mod

Pixel stuff

Song for the first birthday of rttr there the authers but i will post another day

Name song: Visitors

(Song by @LucinaSantiago of cours and also go play jovo kaizo and DONT spoil me pls)

Friday Night Funkin'.

Idk what to say guys so how is the start of school for you guys, for me thats fucking shit (you can answer even if you are not in school)

here the last one

Name song: Clicky

(Song by @LucinaSantiago )

And i sweer i will get that build of ttlm

Naisonji !

Wow song two Jakqdjjdjsjd and idk what to say

Name song: Ventruder

(Song by @LucinaSantiago )