2 years ago

Yo why does Bugsnax cost more on Steam then Epic Games?

Can someone explain me?

(And if Bugsnax is ever Free on Epic Games for a short while notify me IMMEDIATELY pls)



Next up

Alright probably the Last Post I make for this guy for a bit, but at least a Concept to what his Character Description would be.

Its all a Concept for a Fan-Character, Its NOT Official.

Just a quick funny little Image of Cooper asking if you'd like to know more about Hexagon Earth?

Cooper is my Fanmade Character for Indigo Park.

Ok maybe I lied, felt like giving him finally Color, so he doesnt look like a Bendy Character lol.

Thats enough for now I believe about Cooper.

Cooper is a Fan-Made Indigo Park OC, its NOT Official.


I know, I know... Its an Outdated Meme, but I did it anyways, so... Go to Heaven lol.

Cant have a Little King's Story FanProject without a TV Dinnah, this is what I have currently for him.

The other Kings dont really Play a Role in this Jumbo themed Project, but TV Dinnah may appear shortly, who knows..

* Orbead Personality in a Nutshell:

Orbead by Kuromi - This is a Joke and shouldnt be taken seriously lol

Drew in MSPaint a few of my Pikmin Fan-Creatures, because I felt like doing so.

Just a few more Funny Doodles I made about Cooper, felt like sharing cus Funny.

the best bugsnax

Feel like posting these for People to see: Concept Art for my Sculk Based Fan-Mob: The Overseer.

Maybe I will update these in a more easy to understand and Read Formate...