Just Keep Running

8 months ago

Yo yo yo! šŸ˜€

Weā€™ve had a productive June, and weā€™re coming at you with many QoL features and changes. Keep reading for more deets! šŸ™‚

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle

Key Changes



Side-by-side comparison of Counters

For those of you who find the normal, full-screen, counter distracting or confusing, you can now toggle on a different, informative, and less ā€œin your faceā€ counter instead!



UI Showcase

Weā€™ve added a lot of improvements to the Time Trial UI to help avoid confusion and frustration. We do this by, for example, informing the cause of death and properly warning players when time is running out!



Quick Turn Showcase

We had this on our Trello board forever since I thought itā€™d be hard to implement, but it wasn't! This is especially useful for Controller players who canā€™t turn around quickly enough for certain levels.

Full Changelog

[2.5.0] - 2024-07-12


  • Quick Turn: Pressing Q or the Left Bumper/Shoulder button makes you turn 180 degrees quickly. These bindings can be changed in the settings menu.

  • Alternative Walljump Counter: Under UI settings, thereā€™s a new option to change how the Walljump Counter looks. It changes the Walljump Counter from a fullscreen effect into a small, informative, less intrusive modal window at the top of the screen.

  • ā€œRESTARTā€ prompt added to End Screen.

  • Added X (Twitter) button to Main Menu (now that weā€™re more active on there lol)


  • Time Trials:

    • SFX: As the timer ticks closer to zero, you can hear a clock ticking in tempo to the song. This is to indicate that the timer is running out auditorially.

    • UI: During a Time Trial, if the player respawns and causes the timer to reset, a text will appear in the UI explaining what caused the respawn. For example, ā€œOUT OF TIMEā€, ā€œKILLED BY ENEMYā€, ā€œRESPAWNEDā€, etc.

    • UI: When there are 10 seconds left, the UI background will start flashing red.

  • Roof Turrets: Made changes to state sounds to (hopefully) make them easier on the ears.

  • 2-2, Stage 4

    • Removed certain Lasers to rebalance the stage's difficulty.

    • Added ā€œQuick Turnā€ tutorial

  • Changed ā€œPickupā€ crosshair from a circle to a hand symbol to communicate clearly that the player is holding something.

  • In-game UI is now Pixel Perfect.

  • Changed ā€œRestart Levelā€ default binding to Tab.


  • Removed Option ā€œPrint Log Messages In-Gameā€, recent BTS updates break its functionality.


  • Playing the game with a Switch Pro controller may lead to issues controlling the player's character. This is seemingly an issue with the Unity Input System, and sadly out of our control.

  • Playing the game with a Dualshock 4 controller, or playing on a Steam Deck while having a keyboard connected, may lead to issues involving controlling the game with the Keyboard itself. This is also potentially an issue with the Unity Input System, which is beyond our control.

Changelog formatting is partly based onĀ  Keep a Changelog ( Version numbers are formatted as suchā€¦


    • Major releases usually include extensive visual & technological additions, like new campaign chapters and/or major new features, or overhauls of significant systems that might invalidate older game versions, such as save files.

    • Minor releases include visual & technological additions and changes that are significant but likely do not include anything that may invalidate older versions of the game.

    • Hotfix releases mostly include quality-of-life changes or fixes to other bugs and issues.



Next up

Hey there! Despite Steam Next Fest, weā€™ve still kept busy bug fixing and making adjustments to Just Keep Running, and thatā€™s what this update is all about! :D

#jkr #update #steam #platformer #puzzle

Weā€™re back! And weā€™ve got an update for you šŸŽ‰

More upgrades, dyslexia-friendly fonts, and other small but cool additions, thatā€™s what this is all about!

Read more about it below...

šŸ‘‹Happy Friday, ya scallywags! Today weā€™ll be talking about NEW STEALTH FEATURES, as well as a lil CHARITY EVENT weā€™re running, and about our TWITCH DEV STREAMS!


Jokes aside, thank you so much for the wait! While we are busy rewriting, weā€™re back to actively working on the game, and this small lil update is proof! :D

#update #jkr #devlog

I'm studying game development at the University of Skƶvde next month! šŸ„³

I won't be as active with I.M.I.Self, but I'll keep working whenever I find time. I'm determined to get JKR Early Access and T-1000 demo out by Dec/Jan.

Hope you all understand! :D

šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³We're Back in The Kitchen: New Update, and Charity!

More down below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity

CGDannyB will be live soon on Twitch @ 4:30PM EST to talk about Just Keep Running with the developer, Victor!

You can catch the stream on Twitch here:Ā

#jkr #interview #devtalk #announcement

2.3.0 IS OUT NOW! šŸ„³šŸŽ‰

Weā€™re starting to add Stealth mechanics, QoL changes, and tweaks to levels to make it easier for the baby birds dipping their feet into the game! šŸ˜€

Read more below...

šŸ„³WEā€™RE ā‚›ā‚œįµ¢ā‚—ā‚— ALIVE! - V. 2.3.0, JKR for Charity, and Project T-1000

Read more below...

#jkr #devlog #update #charity


And in celebration, we are hosting a showcase of Just Keep Running 24/7 for the next 7 days!

#steamnextfest #steam #puzzleplatformer #parkour #platformer