8 months ago

You can now hire me to make 2d art and somewhat promote your game, Or you can ask to be apart of my comics I make, I also have a website: https://gelfeygames.weebly.com/

So yea, you can hire me, but at a limit of 2 people, check the article if I'm free or not.

Slot no1: taken

Slot no2: not taken

So if you wanna hire me just, Comment on this or send a friend request and we will chat GJ chat and yep, if your game has a group chat please invite me if you know, you HIRE me.

Links to my other socicals:

my dis server: https://discord.com/channels/1165312474581573713/1165312475470757970

website: https://gelfeygames.weebly.com/

youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe5dkWD_xQ3sVFQFakJOQlg



Next up

Just finnshed my morning run :)


I drew these while in class, tell me your honest opinion on them :)

I like making myself in lego for no reason (picture from when i was on vacation)

there is a pipebomb in your mailbox

I drew this in math class

(this is a teaser for something)

I made @NONDARIX now, gotta complete the collection, this is the one that looks the best at the back, and I remember the snout this time.


I do not know what to caption this with