Next up
i gonna release the next Demo around the next week, were you finally can play nights 1-5!!!! i gonna make a new video with all Jumpscares of FNIP2!!!
Five Nights In Pete's 2 Game:
A little Spoiler:
Brian's Dream??? what is this???
Another Small Update
Game Page Updated!!! Now you can see more about the game in his Page!!!
We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!
I back!!!! Again... Game progress 75%
Read the article
Hiatus has Ended + official final poster reveal!!
Okey, this is the last spoiler what i gonna show about the Full Game, i only gonna make publish about Demos and Youtube, no more spoiler, if you want a spoiler of FNIP, join to Discord Server