Well it technically is although It's not as complex as real coding.
I've picked up hammer a few days ago, and it seemed really confusing at the start, but It's not nearly as confusing as it seems.
-For anyone who doesn't know, hammer is the editor used to make source games by Valve, (e.g Counter Strike : Source, Half life 2, and whatnot.)-
It's pretty old, and it crashes quite a lot, it can get frustrating trying to make projects in this, but when you really get something you want done, It feels great
I've just recently got into it, although I have started to work on some quite large projects, a Half-life 2 mod, I'm honestly mediocre at best, I'm still quite bad at working with textures, And I'm always quite slow, I'll still try my best on this, thus i want to publish it.