Max the Unifox - Interactive Comic Game

3 years ago

You guys need a good pc to play this game

I will try to make better optimization in future, but you should understand that it is Unreal engine 5.

I have rx 580 8gb and play on ultra settings

To play at minimal you should have at least gtx 950, 1030


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Full version on my boosty page:

will spend some time on finishing comic drafts

8 chapter finally done. It is 150 comic pages long

3 years ago vs now. It's a current moment in story im working on

how i didnt know about it before?

Bonus chapter drafts are done. Full comic size is 550 pages now. 2 chapters remain

it takes time but worth it

fun fact. This chapter tells about true love and it is HUGE. 124 comic pages and still not finished

some more

it was hard