2 years ago

You know how it goes! I find some random non-existent game in my backyard or in a Krogers isle. And try to make it so that you would be absolutely confused, in laughter, or realize these dumb plots I make up.

--------------Plot in article---------------

Plot: Knuckles tells Sonic that he wants to lose his lonely status. And Sonic isn't having that because the ships will go crazy.

And so they both go venture to an island from a ship. They get bored so then Sonic needs to poop and there isn't any toilets. Sonic doesn't want to poop in the sea because it ruins the environment. Washing away on the island they yet to have to find a toilet and Knuckles is racing to get the ultimate hamburger so he won't have to be alone.

Sonic and Knuckles need the seven chaos emeralds so they can go to this islands alter and turn into cows, destroy eggman, blow up the planet, And last of all they most importantly need to find a toilet for Sonic.

After they see the eggman afloat they boost through the 4 small zones this island contains. After that they go to the alter of this island and they turn into cows. They moo into space and blow up eggman and the planet. And as they transform back to normal a black hole consumes them falling into they're planet.

Sonic refused to hang on to Knuckles so Sonic dies on the roof of His house. And falls of kind of slowly. However everyone is happy that Sonic is dead because he was so annoying. This blue rat is finally gone with a call back to Sonic 2 8 bit's ending.

Also, the Sonic's poop fell everywhere.



Next up

#spawnday Classicwhite Redrawing.

(Sonic oc)

1-1? But not the one you expected.

(Mario maker 2 of course)


Sonic's birthday is almost here!

Check your quest log on June 21st to start the celebration!

(His birthday is the 23rd, but our party starts early.)

Super Sonic... (Peach?)


(Check out my Devaintart)

Came out as peachish gold.

Ever wonder if Sonic ever had a home?

Sonic 33rd Anniversary!!!

Yeah, I know, not many characters as last time but the Sonic X Shadow Generations has been the main highlight of this year for Sonic The Hedgehog and I didn't have much else. And Sonic Movie 3, which also is Shadow based.

New game page picture.

Imagine if Sonic Heroes was on the GBA

(not 100% accurate but just a fun idea I had)

Sonic Runners Adventure game