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That much power ain't much.
I'd know.
On Today's SuperGamingSecrets, we will take a deep dive on how to access Next Generation REGENERATED Act 1's Super Duper Tuper Secret 10th Night!!
No way!? Luigi referenced the Undertale mod "Undertale Red & Yellow"!?
A personal shoutout to @SwapThan for being the second victor of Next Generation Regenerated's Act 1's Night 6!
me when fnas fans can't brighten up an image
also probably a good time to reveal that i'm something of a liar myself
the game isn't cancelled
the leaked build got taken down so LMAO I WIN
My, oh my.
10 years, eh? How incredible! It's crazy to think I was once here since the very first game released back in 2015.. Man, where does the time GO?
Well, might as well just do another QnA. What's your questions?
oh no man that sucks
no more, guys
go home
i may have a problem