Temesis Hoax
3 months ago

You know, sometimes I tend to get lost in my doubts and fears

I usually create my own existential doubt while I try to sleep or relax and I always ask myself the same question, who am I? what do I want?

Sometimes I tend to feel insufficient, as if my actions and achievements are not good enough. I tend to think a lot and keep thinking about my expectations imposed by society, by my family, and by the ones I set for myself. Trying to reach the false peak of success, wanting to be of importance and stand out somehow in my career.

I tend not to feel enough because I never seem to be enough, I strive to try to make others feel better, to meet impossible standards and yet I still don't feel completely complete.

I get lost in my own mind in a circle of comparisons with others, measuring my own value with the successes of others.

Sometimes one can think that everything is about success in fame and fortune, but I think the real pinnacle is the acceptance of oneself as a person, in the explorations of passions and relating and feeling good about something that really makes you feel alive. And climbing usually makes me feel more alive than reaching the top. Challenges and difficulties usually make me feel more alive than fame or riches or numbers, it is in the acceptance of our own imperfections where we find true willpower. That is where I tend to think that I should not feel the preliminary image of success, and I must pursue the authenticity of my own person, accept my imperfections and get closer and closer to my passions with joy. This is the only way to find the true summit that lies in the heart of each one of us and always says "I am LoxerVosky and I love being a developer".

Writing this has been emotional for me as I tend to be a very emotional person. There was a time when I felt very inadequate with my content, something I would post or create and it would be easily forgotten. I tried to be a Youtuber multiple times, never unsuccessfully, to be an artist, an animator, but none of these things filled me up inside or made me feel true happiness inside. I still remember when I published the first post in the Temesis Hoax gamejolt, and it barely got 5 likes not by far, that night I was feeling a little down but I just thought, maybe later that post will be more popular. And a few weeks after continuing to publish content, Temesis had a massive Boom, not only thanks to me, but together with all the wonderful people who work with me every day and I'm glad to have met everyone.

Every day more and more people join the Temesis community or the development group and I can't tell you how happy that makes me. Nothing could buy the happiness of seeing a project of yours, something that has come out of your hands and mind being created and becoming a reality, a dream come true purely and exclusively. New friendships, new teammates, new people in this community full of beautiful people. I do what I do because it makes me happy, and leaving aside the numbers and popularity, I won something a thousand times better, someone who can never buy, and that is you. Just think that without you I wouldn't be LoxerVosky, without Temesis I wouldn't have met some of my best friends. I really thank you all from the bottom of my heart, thanks for making Temesis grow, thanks for the support and thanks for the simple fact of being here one more day.

I just want to give you one last thank you for making me who I am now, for creating LoxerVosky

And now I just want to ask you all, who are you ?



Next up

More Gameplay Progress and It's getting a little dark in here!

The FreddyPede - OST Sneak Peek Composed by @yiumper

Old Fredbear Render

This is the logo which will be used for the Temesis Hoax Launcher.


[ Lighting Test Reder of SpringBonnie ]

[ Test Render of Puppet Candy ]

After Hours at Triple Js' - June 10th Devlog

Last night I didn't sleep at all so I could deliver 3 final projects due today. Today is technically the last day of CLASSES, no more exams, no more projects, I can finally rest!

Now I'll be even more active in TH