You're The Way
3 years ago

You're The Way 0.2.1 Patch Notes :

- Player Movement Improved

- Cannon wont aim when a dead body is in it



Next up

Agent Improved - shooting only when in line of sight of the player

Will you be the Hunter or the Hunted ?.

Human Shield Mechanism .

Improving the Blackhole Animation.

art by : @NotDevStar

Hi everyone , I'm Dave and I released a demo version of my game on android , search "Blood Vow Project" in the google play store I'll be happy to hear any comments or critic you have , thank you

When you just need the right boost to start the day .

Shotgun Animation

if you get stuck on level 8 you need to remove the body in order to progress it moves the blockade.

Shotgun Mechanism .

Mask State as a Health bar & Blue Pills to regenerate Health.