3 months ago

You think if Shitass ever got a gen 2 model, it would look something like this?

"Hey Shitass"

Edit: how did this get featured, this is slop.

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Next up

I hope radiance makes this an unlockable hat when you beat max mode in 6.5

I finally collected all of the hypnagogia stickers

also the drawing is finished and will be published tomorrow in the afternoon

I think I might finish the drawing today I'm very excited to show you once it's finished

Meet the family "improved" version.

Models from the FNaTI archive

I'm very tired of this "I'm quitting youtube" trend that people are cashing in on because matpat actually did


I don't have anything else interesting to post

Remember when they came back in 2020?

That was really something special, huh?

(the art isn't mine.)

Im telling ya, the world is gonna fucking tremble when the gamers rise up

#FixTF2 #SaveTF2