Post about Lisa!

Small update to Charlotte and this Simon's sprites. i a little bit busy with school stuff

I just asked myself a question about what the Undone florist's dialogue would be like with other protagonists from other fan games. And what flowers would They choose?

yeah i can see why people didn't like definitive edition, it's not fun when you have to do a one tile jump for the mystery jerky or attempt a one tile vertical jump for the domestic jerky

And before going to dinner my Sandwich

Here's something.

A funny idea I had

*Here today in the last fight for the champion belt of the Wild Fighters Tournament*

*¡Simon Vs Mike!*

Postscript:Mike Wins for being a better fighter than Simon

This Simon is already being worked on his combat style I plan to have the possibility of the following two combo styles in his introduction

Mixed style (Choice in the intro/Mixed style scrolls from a side quest)

Friday style




So here is the first Party member with all his sprites finished, Patrolman Cortes Monty. What do you think of him?

I also want to ask you if you want Simon to use the martial combat style, the Painful Desolate Expansion Friday style or a mixed style?


I already have the first Sheet sprite of Cortés Monty's attacks. In the comments I will put his attacks and fighting style.

I was playing with the sprites of a Russian Roulette NPC while I was watching someone playing Undone and well this came out naturally. I present to you the new party member for Honorable Cortes Monty