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"avdl", my programming language, can compile "Rue" from scratch in about 17 seconds.

It supports compiling only what it needs, modifying one of its source files and re-compiling takes 0.5 seconds.

It's all running in #C magic 😁


c /e #c


My progress porting my game Rue to #VirtualReality . I'm currently aiming for the #MetaQuest2 .

Development has been really fun! I've managed to use the Meta Native MobileXR SDK, and smoothly combine it with my project.

#vr #c #cpp


I started development on the #MetaQuest2 . It's so much fun!

I decided to make a prototype using the Quest's Native libraries, and managed to draw meshes and textures using #c and #cpp .

It's using #OpenGL and will be #opensource when finished.