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Mr Naughty is up to some higher levels of chicanery 😈

#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #OC #Originalcharacter #parody #silly #funny #goofy

Darcky Delight!

Basically this is for a @DarckyTheFrench contest, where you have to create your own sticker of it.

Btw, I hope it turned out amazing!

"Mercy Lord!"

I turned the Strawberry Elephant meme into a sticker

I would also call this a masterpiece!

Knuckles got Artistocrated and Mustached!

His name is: ... KUKUNUCKLES

Are you ready for round 2 >:33333333

#SonicABC #Sonic_Exe #Parody #Funny #Sprite #Knuckles #Aristocrat

To be honest, I think it's so silly this way! <3

I wanted to make this meme parody for fun.

In fact, Slide is the one there, is my fursona!