

Here are videos of my latest 2 snaptiles maps for quake 1. Both require arcane dimensions. First one is ikbase textured and is called ikbase 1. Second one is waste treatment facility, a quake 2 themed map with quake 2 music. #quake #arcanedimensions

I made my first 2 arcane dimensions maps tonight... One was a ikbase map and the other was quake 2 textured.. The ikbase one is better but the quake 2 one is harder. Neither were awesome but they were both fun. #quake #arcanedimensions #snaptiles

New version of the prefab pack for the quake 1 editor snaptiles. This version has new walls for ikbase and arcane dimensions enemy and weapon prefabs...…
#games #quake #arcanedimensions


Quick video of a map I did tonight to test out new mideival prefabs I made for snaptiles.... I played this in arcane dimensions with chaos mode on.... #games #quake #arcanedimensions #snaptiles


Playthrough of my new map, test1! Played on easy in arcane dimensions... It works fine in that BTW... #quake #arcanedimensions #snaptiles