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RU:Решил сделать свой арт,в виде сериала и да,сериал выйдет во вторник!).

ENG:I decided to make my own art, in the form of a series and yes,the series will be released on Tuesday!).

#garrysmod #gmod #andyandleyley #andy #ashley #leyley #coffin

Happy joltidays! from Ashley_9649 Say #Ashley for you to get a shoutout in my fireside today at 5pm USA time

Warioware Meme: Everyone´s Reaction when Ashley gets mad

Warioware Meme: Everyone´s Reaction when Ashley gets mad
Goddangit, Orbulon and Lord X.Footage by @Xman 723 @Jaze Cinema @Jeramiah Calhoun etc.Art by Gamer5444: