
​It's the second game that I created and it is based on several stories that were written including Rebel Of Destruction 10.

#mystery #lore #hiddenlore #interactivefiction #pointandclick #survival #survivalhorror #suspense #puzzles #platformer

​The newest release has just been released! In this release, there are newly added minigames in the recently added part of the game.

#mystery #pointandclick #interactivefiction #lore #hiddenlore #survival #puzzles #platformer #survivalhorror #horror

The mini-game still needs a bit of work, and I plan to add more to the game as I think of more ideas for other mini-games that are inspired by the stories and characters that it's based on.

#pointandclick #textadventure #platformer #interactivefiction

As of today, I've been working on an update for the game in order to make it a bit more interactive. So far, I've added a mini-game that has ten levels in it.

#minigame #pointandclick #textadventure #platformer #interactivefiction #fiction #stories

Congrats @Gamious for your spot in the GDWC 2021 Official Selection! 🏅

👉 Play Their Game Here:👈

#interactivefiction #simulation #indiegame #officialselection #adventuregame #gamedev