
Antoine Stilleto

He's gonna be a boss in my #RugLike game. I based him around Pewdiepie's earlier years, obscure fashion and, well, stilettos


Finally fixed Yarnball's pathfinding AI. It now goes for player, attacks, then disengage.

Thos should theoretically give players space to move after their turn.

#RugLike #cool #unitygame #unitygamedevelopment #roguelike #rug #doodle


I'm finally making progress on RugLike! And now I can place rugs a' la PvZ style!

#game #gamedevelpment #cool #ruglike #lol #doodle #unity

Made a potatohead-like character. Oh boy what have I done XD

#cook #doodle #art #RugLike #potato