All Posts in The Pordasontia Army/Fan Club

Hello guys, subscribe to our channel for more Sonic Jam HD updates and like the videos, and also comment to let us know that you've been there :D
Go follow my tiktok (username @realpordaskontia )
I would really apriciate it if someone could make my roblox avatar as an anime charter (PLEASE SOMEONE)!! (well not my banner cuz that removes the accessories) heres link: (dont do the r6 avatar (also i meant anime or cartoon))
UPDATE : Sega Saturn - WhiteFeather™ v0.07 Pre-Alpha
►HUD from Sonic Jam has been added.
►SCORE, TIME and RINGS has been added.
►Fix some bugs.

oh man, this community changes a lot! from sonic to Luigi to your YouTube channel!
well i guess thats one way to advertise it :/
(not judging at all! i actually love the colours)