fredbear_show_time in Fredbear fan club

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Hey bros New video on the channel this time talking about MK and prince of persia remake,in this video i also made a special thanks to the people wo follows me so go check it out

Hey guys so i know that a lot of time passed since i anounced the 4°update of jame plantas but im passing for some difficult times and some issues so i decided to say thanks for all the people wo is playing and enjoying the game thank you and stay plantas

This day is very special for me 1.1k brothers you are amazing. I thank all the people who helped the game to get here, I know, sometimes, we cannot think positive, but in those moments we need faith, courage and strength, thank you all and stay plantas🤘🤘
Today Jame Plantas um dia de doideras has acquired thw 1k views in game jolt😀😀🥳🥳💩💩💩💩💩☠☠🤘
Thank so much to all of yours wo helped me and my game and the Jame plantas team in this difficult moment thanks and