Game Updates in The Official Ricky The Jazz Rat's Diner Community

Ricky The Jazz Rat's Diner!!!!!!!

A new voice actor!

More lore for the game!

The jukeboxs name is jury the jukebox now this is the audio lure of this game for rickys mechanic but if you lure ricky near you office he will then start glitching in your face out of no where and you would have to use to the tape to keep him calm.

Another New Animatronic Reveal........

Fade Effect Is Programmed For The Warning Screen:)

Kick The Jukebox.......

Cutscenes Will Be Drawn By @Athas-Toons

A New Animatronic Reveal........

@CoolUser-name Is One Of The New Artists For The Game!

Concept Art For The Animatronics Is Almost Finished!