Game Dev
Post about Game Dev!

I think this is the Crafting Menu redone?
Unless I forgot something.
Also no particles...

It defaults to auto selecting a stack based on your setting, but you can override if you have enough of an alternative.

Now I eat.

The game I've been working on has been announced: HOBNOBBERS! I would really appreciate it if you checked it out and wishlisted it on steam


So excited to unveil this new Stream Ending animation

Same as Cookie Clicker

One mechanic I'm working on is being able to destroy the asteroid on your own, this way you will prevent the extinction of the dinosaurs.

#WebGame #IndieDev #GameDev #PixelGame #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Dinosaur #Warrior

Are these names fun? Cute? Nonsense?
I am trying out this defamiliarized naming scheme for the different species in Insectile. I'd love any feedback!