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Announced 6/3/22 10:37AM EST [Announced by FS creator @Ink_SansFS ]

"FLASHSHIFT is getting shut. Permanently.

It's because I've gotten busy recently and I don't have time for this. And because the people who were supposed to help are barely online at ALL and when they are online they just make making this au a fucking nuisance, thinking they will do whatever going beyond my lead and adding their own things without even asking me if it's okay on anything. I may release the rest of the tracks but it to not be titled as part of the soundtrack of FS.

Creating this AU was the worst mistake I've made.

If you still want to view the made AU parts of their chapters they can be viewed on my YouTube channel.

For the community, it will still exist but the AU parts will be changed to something else/or be completely removed.

That's all."

@what182719 owner
Report A community for about 3 years