Talking in The springbunny kingdom

share your things

Eduardo / Alfredo pose!!!

Now I'm truly Chainsawman now it's time to ponichita all over the place!

Well, let's play Dead By Daylight for the first time.

I just realized that social medias are pointless bc the only thing you can do is share.

Then what's the purpose of watching that content anyway?

Yeah but what you can share?

Art, games, thoughts.

But the best question is why?

Guten Tag, Meine Freunde!

The worst Trio

Bonnet, Lolbit, Yendo

"It's true all of our short-lived youth will someday come to end."

This line hits hard.

Finally I've found the meaning of life!

Hare are debug objects for my new game which will be....

Y o u ' l l s e e

Finally I can watch Chainsawman peacefully after I realized that I have nothing to do.

So why don't I watch som anime?