Post Everything About Being Friends Together All Day! :) ♱リジ

While @ToadetteGaming92 and the others gather in the castle to save Princess Daisy, @GregoryCarrillo came in too to backup his friends!

Toadette: Gregory! You want to help us?

Gregory: Sure, seems like you need some firepower to save Daisy. I’ll help ya!

I Was So Injured, But Demised Violet And Her Friends Are Taking Care Of Me! Will You Help Them Take Care Of Me Please? @Buckethead-Gaming @mindyawwj @shinystar2_ @Bonbon-toon @GregoryCarrillo @Realmistreatedmike @Aylinthebunns @ToadGaming98

I Was So Dizzy And Hurt After I Lost The Battle.... Can You Help Me Please? @Aylinthebunns @CatchallRain723 @shinystar2_ @Bonbon-toon @GregoryCarrillo @Realmistreatedmike @ToadGaming98 @mindyawwj

Everybody Is Thinking That @YellowToadGaming98 Is Sleeping, But He Is Super Extremely Hurt! We Can Help And Heal Him While He Is Sleeping! @Realmistreatedmike @shinystar2_ @GregoryCarrillo @Bonbon-toon @Aylinthebunns

My second thumbnail

I found cat...

Welcome to the Always Be Friends Together Community! community on Game Jolt! Here's The Rules,

Rule 1: Be Nice And Be Kind

Rule 2: Be Super Popular

Rule 3 Be Respectful

Rule 4: Be Very Polite

And That's All! :)

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