general in Arty is a bad man community
Share your creations!
Guys I'm toxic and broke farty's channel rules because I said "yes."
After Weeks of Fiddling with the Thumbnail, Es Hora De Pizza's Game Page is Up!
Can wait till Arty steals my concept and calls me unoriginal even though he stole my concept and makes a shit game that's a exact one to one replica to Sonic.EXE
me when arty supported wesleytrv the pedophille
"Kwysocki is not a pedo" user vs "Kwysocki is a pedo" user (I read the document before, I still not falling for it and still seeing Kwysocki a pedophile)
New discord server about Farty dropped,,,….
Join now or,,,,…
Shashi will take a shit 💀