More Stuff... in Berllunity!

Share your thoughts here pal! :D

(teaser for ach of Into the deep ch2???)
Hello Gamejolters! I was searching the roblox doors font they used (i have some programs for it...) but theres no trace of it. If someone knows comment down below! Thanks for reading

DOORS - Seek in a NUTSHELL (Animation)
WARNING!: This Animation is still in WIP! Full Animation coming soon!

Who's excited for the REVENGE?

U N F R I E N D E D 3 - "Get Possessed Again..." - Concept by @BendyGamesEntertainment
Tried to experiment with fire on the bacon soup and, is nice! Do ya like it? Write in the comments!

Yea guys, im starting to make better models for the next bendy fangame, Yea. Is cool!