Drekka in Arrow's office

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This is the last of the Drekka/Vampire siblings, then I have to make their boyfriends and girlfriends-
I need names for these two pls-

ANOTHER Drekka/Vampire child that's all grown up
I need names for these two-
They're the same as their siblings, their the same person with different personalities- but with this one it's hard to tell because their both chaotic good-

Here's another one of the Drekka children but all grown up, I need names for these two-
They're the same person with different personalities-

I finally figured out how to screenshot on my phone without screenshoting games! Fxcking finally! >:D
I also need names for these two- they're the same person with different personalities-

The first one is what Drekka will look like when cursed with the curse of identity
The second is what they'll look like if they go to Helheim (they'll look like plague doctor because Drekka basically represent plague kinda)
The last one is just a enemy