Memes in Artcore_Japan's Community

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Do you like Sonic the Hedgehog?

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"Mom, can we get Paper Mario"?

"No, Sweetie, we have Paper Mario at home"

Paper Mario at home:

Yes, it was a night, up to #TheLegendOfPointD.

I found this awesome platformer called "Slimebound". It is a platformer game made by @swagmaster_23231124 .

This thing sheets out blood, it's name is "Bloodsheet", and the "Sheet" part is spelled like "Shed".

Between 1-typed Tiles and 44-typed Tiles and non-damaging Tiles, here is the result of the Platform Design.

There is a Pokemon Bootleg called "Powermon", it is essentially a Platformer where you play as "Bootleg Pikachu".

Even when there's darkness, there's light, like, drawing on RPG Maker MV when everything is Dark brings Light to the areas you draw on.

More Extro Verter Face Sprites.


^ This guy here above ^