Memes in Artcore_Japan's Community

Welcome To Our Friends Community

Sure thing, folks!

You can totally snag Pokemon Essentials for RPG Maker MV!

It's like finding a Pikachu in your backyard!

Happy 5th Anniversary to Animal Crossing: New Horizons! #NewHorizons5

Envision the exciting launch of Pokémon Z, set to debut in 2025.


Mario and Luigi Partners in Time is Underrated #GJAsks.

Someone did an edit of my How to beat the Jade Sword Boss Fight in my game, you can find it here (

You should watch it


Dynamite Annie! She's a real blast!

Have you ever wondered about the origins of that stunning hot spring?

Well, believe it or not, it hails straight from a video game!

Yes, you heard it right! It's from "Mazmorra de la Locura" and you can find it on Game Jolt (

Am I the top-notch recommender on Gamejolt?

Well, you might want to check out this game I’m buzzing about!

And hey, happy Saint Patrick's Day!