I found a Marcisan Brown Bear.
At least the bear is not that harmful, compared to bears in other games.

A #KnightlingQuest, featuring Loka Zonzini and Nocturnis. The main title theme for the game is called "Artisans and their antics", and it is the song's illustration.

(This should be a Cool Post)
This character on the image is Kami Tenchi.
He's technically one of the Strongest Anime Characters, maybe even the Strongest Anime Character of all time.

Lucky Star is probably a great show, and it is from the 2000s, not from today. Well, 2007! But this show is still good.
On the Image Above: Tsukasa Hiiragi, Konata Izumi, Kagami Hiiragi and Miyuki Takara.

The Left Path is certainly long, doesn't it?

And yes. I sampled a Psychonauts Song for the Main Theme of the Game, because, why not?
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