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I’m not quite sure why I added her to the mix, but when she meets the player, she delivers a cracking line. Oh, and by the way, she’s like Nixon’s sister-in-law—just to spice things up a bit!

An android version of Loka Zonzini?

I could name her "Zonzinidroid", do you think that name would fit?

I found this (pixiv.net/en/artworks/122131826) on Pixiv, it's Rathian, but as a human girl.

give arigieppppp (pixiv.net/en/users/32323646) good credit for this.


There's not just Purple Longstack... There are Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange and Green as well.


Fully finished the Purple Longstack Hominid overworld sprite. Do you like how good my effort?

Longstacks are coming!

Longstacks are coming!

Longstacks are coming!

Longstacks are coming!

Longstacks are coming!

Longstacks are coming!
















































As @FlavortextEX suggested, i added this dialogue.

Happy #ScreenshotSaturday!

I added a Green Paintball Shortstack Hominid to the overworld.

What Dialogue could it have? Please suggest me some.

Here is the full overworld Green Paintball Shortstack Hominid Sprite, but i have also made both Purple and Orange Variants by now.

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