All Posts in Artcore Japan's Games

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A Viral Outbreak Movie, i meant, a New Song is Releasing to the Page.


Name: Goat.

Class: False Ultracam.

#EarlyIndieWednesday #IndieWednesday

Did someone asked for the Player to have a Low Physical Attack Stat?

Should the False Ultracam be a Party Member in the Game?


I'm never skipping a cutscene in stellar blade again

What a great fella next to her.

Getting up on 2AM be like:

Well, this is a part of a cutscene in the game.

More Cutscenes from the Game. This is maybe a Reference to a film, maybe a Public Domain Film.

Adding Another New Original Battle Song.

It is supposedly the Boss Theme against False Ultracam.

Ultracam and False Ultracam Sprites.