Your move
holy shit peak is real

遊戯王カードゲーム25周年特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」
「KONAMI animation」が中心となって手掛けた初めての作品として、特別映像「Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES」を世界初公開! 「KONAMI animation」公式サイト:http://animation.konami.net #遊戯王#yugioh ※...

Just a drawing of one of my favorite boss monsters of one of my favorite decks. Which do you prefer?

Today is my birthday! Hope you guys have a great day!

I’m like 5 days late but here’s a Birthday drawing of Yugi 🥳

Drew Kaiba from YU-GI-OH ( ・∇・)
Edit: tried backlight
It's time to duel
This Yu-Gi-Oh community is a place for casual plays, competitive players and people who just watch the anime, to come and share their creations and love for the game.
If you post any sort of Fan Art that you put effort into it's probably gonna get featured
(currently under construction)