All Posts in _-Uzi's Stupid Idiots-_
Bite me! I asked to go alone! He's mad at your test scores!
1.) Vent of Salem killing her ex. I decided to call him Cameron
2.) Shay and Layla dumped snow onto Light, and I don't think he's enjoying the joke as much as they are. Light is Pain76's new Entertainment Drone OC, and Shay is also an Entertainment Drone
I sent music from the game to the school group. I wanted to defuse the situation. But the class teacher saw this and she wrote about it to my mother. Everyone liked it, but not her. She wrote to my mother that I probably need to see a psychiatrist again.
Random md memes I found on pinterest
OC number 13
Meet Salem
(Help I think I have too many OC's)
Blud needs to stop the vapeing session immediatley
When I'm home alone. Short and clear.