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Womp Womp
Another corruption happened:
Louder is in slightly slow development rn as i am currently working on another thing not related to my games. I will reveal this other thing when i am mostly done with it.

Few notes about somethings, when i do eventually get around to making & finishing Louder V2 i will keep V1 up for lower end systems which might not be able to run V2.
We are back where we were almost, coming soon today is a road map to release and the updates planned for Louder after release
Getting back to work on the game tomorrow
Where is Louder right now?:
update things are slightly getting better so imma go back to working soon
Due to a personal IRL situation im not going to be working on Louder as much as i was.
Progress Update: got some test settings working until i make a proper menu for it, A.I basis is almost done and im gonna recode Yips jumpscare soon. Almost back to where i was last time. This time i learned to have multiple copies of the game lol.