Louder Updates in VeniaDev Community

Womp Womp

We are currently working on Louder Build 6.0 AKA the final release build. For more information on what is changed and where we are, read the article below (Warning, Massive Article)
Tomorrow I will be breaking the silence and making an important update regarding this games progress, stay tuned.

The Yap's Hypermart cast would like to say Happy International Womans day to everyone!
Yip Demo V1.1.1: The Activities Update
Change Log
Im going to be silent for awhile, my main goal right now is to make the game look better than it is right now and to make it easier to work with. AKA Quality bump to everything that I myself can do. You may see these changes sooner or later

logic defying map fixed and made better

workin on that new menu

Currently my focus rn is getting the main menu to its final good form, heres concepts of what i have in mind

there is an easter egg in Louder that is a one in a million chance of getting when starting the game, heres the specific number. Good luck finding out what it is when the game releases