Tutorials/Help in Blender

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If you want to learn game development using blender game engine

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anyone even know how to use blender, youtube tutorials for this are super out of date

sooooooo does anyone know if possible to make a gaster blaster from undertale into blender? (trying to make some roblox UGC)

someone know how to pass a model from mine imator to blender


in the new version of blender the round cube is now a cube, but i prefered the sphere.

Is there a way to get back the sphere or do i need to adapt me to the cube?

so, how do you make scenes for a 3d animation?🤔

Hey everyone! I'm a small game dev and I'm new to blender. I'm stuck with a cube, and I'm not sure what to do.

Hey @Mrwienerdog I rigged your monster blender model hope you like it : )

Uhhh, could someone rig this?https://www.mediafire.com/file/9efkd6ci5r8mkfm/Monster.blend/fil… (I'm new to Blender and have no idea how lol)