Discussions in Blender

Share your 3D Art!

I've been working on reworking Scarlett, Spiffy's sister! But, I cannot find ANYTHING for her to wear. Ideas?

Bro I watched 1 tutorial and now I am a master at blender animation 💀

This shit ez

Hi everyone just wanted to ask you what your goals were this year as a 3D modeller? Whether it be learning more skills or polishing off old ones, I'm super excited to find out!

Use this to your advantage, think of it as a modellers resolution <3


We are back!

so, we gonna re take the projects

I saw a trend where people share their Blender hours using the Steam release.

I didn’t start with the Steam version, but if I had, it’d be around 13,241.6 hours.
So... I badly faked a Steam screenshot