Tutorials/Help in Blender

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How I can save a animation on Blender?
Because I try it and it always is going .png ;-;

When I open my Blender it stopped responding immediately, and for no reason, what I can do?

How can I add shaders to animatronic models?

I want to add this dirty costume effect in the model like the one in this render,how can I do that?(I'm using blender 2.79)

My Blender is closing without reason, why this is happening?

So, when I open my Blender, it stops responding immediately!

Is my computer problem or the program problem?

P.s: It's on version 2.91.2

Someone know the name of the Soda Cup texture?

Hmm blender dont open help??

Hello guys, can't open my blender, opengl problem, can you help me to solve ?

i need help whith lerning how to make a animatronic wolf head plees help me