Announcements/Anuncios📢 in Batmini's community

Share your creations!

Hi, i would like to warn you about a user, recently in my Discord server a user called HIG enter and he doxx people including the creator of FNAF in Real Time with information that has to be private

If you see this user in his servers, pls ban him


The cast is composed by me, Ag-Ahmad, Mariemo, my brother and Mr Hipster

Today im 19 years old


Hi, due the problems i have, this year will not have a Q&A for the anniversary like i made every year

I hope you understand, but while i come back, you can leave me suggestions for future videos

Hi, i have a question for you

What is the best video i made and why??

Broooo WTF??

I always log in this laptop since my phone die and now you ask me to do the verification??

Is patethic, i have a lot of messages if its me behond the account, i always anwer yes and then this??

Is ridiculous that you have to pay to see how program in Clickteam that unfortunaly is bad, in Internet there are guides much better,they are free and it has better quality

This guy are hungry of money and only the dumb people will pay for that

Hey you, the game of my amigo Mr Hipster is out, is only available for PC, the mobile version will be out soon

I work in this game as the spanish translator and tester

Hi, i know it past like a month or more since last time

What did i made while i was inactive??

I know i said im not gonna upload something until i got a new phone, but i remember that 2 weeks ago before my phone die i finish this video, is not the best game i upload but at least i did something

Guide to complete One Night at Lockjaw Android Esp-Eng Server: be member to get so...