Share your creations!

Guide to complete Five Nights at the AGK 4 Remastered Is cancelled for a very annoying audio problem, there will be a replacement


Five Nights at the AGK 4 Remastered está cancelado por un molesto error del audio, habrá un remplazo


Important announcement / Anuncio importante

New and short video available, is a small entrance, this month will be exiting


Un nuevo y corto video está disponible, esto es una pequeña probadita de lo que viene despues




I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.

I only upload 3 videos in January

What was your favourite and why?


Solo subi 3 videos en Enero

Cuál fue su favorito y porque?


Old drawings of Shamrock Freddy and Easter Bonnie that I made a while ago.

Welcome Batmini's community, I hope you enjoy being here

Bienvenido a la comunidad de Batmini, espero que disfrutes estar aqui


1- No NSFW

2-Dont steal the work of other/No robes el trabajo de los otros

3-Be respectful with all the members and don't make drama/Se respetuoso con los miembros y no hagas drama

4-No gore, you can put a bit of gore in your arts, but don't take it to other level/No gore, puedes poner un poquito pero no te vueles la barda

5-Put the content of your post in the respective channel/Pon el contenido de tu post en el canal adecuado

@Batmini007 owner
Report A community for over 1 year